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Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture (CPSA®)

The CPSA® Advanced Level Module CLOUD­INFRA – iSAQB® Training Course in Infrastructure, Container, and Cloud Native


Infrastructure, Container, and Cloud Native

How to design and implement adjustable infrastructure for the Cloud?

Credit Points for CLOUD­INFRA Training Courses

Techno­logical Competence


Methodical Compe­tence


Commu­nicative Competence



CPSA Advanced Level module CLOUDINFRA diagram curriculum content

Content of the module Evolution and Infrastructure, Container, and Cloud Native (CLOUD­INFRA)


Funda­mentals of modern infrastructures


Common architectural concepts


Cloud Native Journey


Helpful patterns


Devel­opment, CI/CD and operations




Case study

How to improve software systems system­at­i­cally, focused on economic and technical objectives

Microser­vices, containers and container managers have changed consid­erably the way we design, develop, and deploy software in recent years. Modern appli­ca­tions must work in a cluster of several nodes, be dynam­i­cally placeable, scalable and fault-tolerant.

Partic­i­pants will learn ways to implement dynamic cloud-native archi­tec­tures, container appli­cation design, logging/monitoring/alerting, container native storage and options for UI integration. Typical concepts of current container managers will also be demon­strated and how they can be used to implement common quality  criteria for larger web applications.

In addition, current cloud providers will be classified, possi­bil­ities for automation will be demon­strated and aspects of software devel­opment and the appli­cation lifecycle will be discussed.

CLOUD­INFRA focuses on operating aspects. The detailed concepts for the design and imple­men­tation of archi­tec­tures in the CLOUD­INFRA module are explained in an overview where necessary for understanding.

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Advanced Level – Sample task for the CPSA‑A exami­nation task

Sample task “BigSpender” / Topic – Information System

Deutsche Version [pdf]

English Version [pdf]

Curriculum Module CLOUD­INFRA – Infrastructure, Container, and Cloud Native

Curriculum of the Advanced Level Module CLOUD­INFRA with all learning goals and terms for the individual chapters.

Deutsche Version [pdf]

English Version [pdf]

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