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our annual community conference

The iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering

The Software Architecture Gathering (SAG) is the annual community conference of the iSAQB. Here, software architecture profes­sionals experience a partic­u­larly top-class program with the most renowned iSAQB architecture experts. You will receive concen­trated practical knowledge for your daily work in projects as well as for strategic decisions.

Industry Excellence

All CPSA® training courses are conducted by iSAQB® Accredited Trainers and Training Providers. Profit from these excellent iSAQB partners!

Logo Training Provider Alexander Lorz
New Recognized iSAQB® Trainingsprovider - Dr. Faith
Recognized iSAQB® Trainingsprovider - CALLEN Software Consulting and Training
New Recognized iSAQB® Trainingsprovider - ETC – Enterprise Training Center GmbH
oose Logo
embarc logo
Heise Medien Logo
Logo of OpenValue - iSAQB Accredited Training Provider
Logo of Technikum Wien - iSAQB Accredited Training Provider
Verity Software logo

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