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Celtico Consulting Services


Celtico Consulting Services is an innov­ative and independent consulting company from Switzerland, which is recog­nized for its modern architecture and training concepts. We provide consulting services to organi­za­tions of all sizes across Europe, focusing on innovation management, software architecture and enter­prise architecture.

We support our clients in the selection of optimal technologies based on validated business requirements and in the design and selection of software. Through regular architecture reviews and audits, we ensure that the technology stack is in line with best practices and supports our clients’ strategic goals and associated business capabilities.

In addition, we offer training in software architecture, enter­prise architecture and agile product devel­opment to enhance our clients’ skills and knowledge. Our expertise enables us to develop customized solutions that meet our clients’ unique requirements and help them achieve their techno­logical and strategic goals efficiently.


  • Route des Arsenaux 33 1700 Fribourg Switzerland

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Training Formats: Online / Remote Training, Classroom Training
Accredited CPSA Trainings:

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by Celtico Consulting Services

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