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embarc Software Consulting GmbH

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embarc Software Consulting GmbH is an IT consulting company specialized in software architecture. We empower teams and projects to effec­tively develop and deploy software solutions and support the surrounding organi­za­tions to establish the necessary architecture capabilities.

embarc as a supporting member and its employees have been contributing to the iSAQB for many years. Our employees have had a major part in designing the Advanced Level as a certification level as well as some Advanced Level modules. The embarc experts are involved in working groups, are members of the Strategy Council and are respon­sible for individual Advanced modules in their role as curators. As such, they drive the further devel­opment of the content of their curriculum and ensure that the learning goals formu­lated are in line with the current state of the art and method­ological practice. In addition to numerous conference contri­bu­tions and publi­ca­tions in business magazines, embarc’s staff members are authors of relevant books. These are also sources and refer­ences for Advanced Level curricula, for example, “Vorge­hens­muster für Software­architektur: Kombinierbare Praktiken in Zeiten von Agile und Lean” (Stefan Toth, Hanser Verlag), so that our seminar partic­i­pants not only receive Credit Points, they get first-hand knowledge and experience from our trainers.


  • Mittelweg 114b 20149 Hamburg Germany

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Training Formats: Online / Remote Training, Classroom Training
Accredited CPSA Trainings:

Training Dates

by embarc Software Consulting GmbH

Level Foundation Level
Date 19 - 22 Aug '24
Location Erfurt, Germany
Language German
Level Foundation Level
Date 16 - 19 Sep '24
Location Darmstadt, Germany
Language German
Level Advanced Level
Date 24 - 25 Sep '24
Location Online
Language German
Level Advanced Level
Date 24 - 26 Sep '24
Location Erfurt, Germany
Language German
Course AGILA
Level Advanced Level
Date 08 - 10 Oct '24
Location Stuttgart, Germany
Language German
Course SOFT
Level Advanced Level
Date 08 - 10 Oct '24
Location Berlin, Germany
Language German
Course ADOC
Level Advanced Level
Date 14 - 15 Oct '24
Location Munich, Germany
Language German
Level Foundation Level
Date 14 - 17 Oct '24
Location Online
Language German
Course ADOC
Level Advanced Level
Date 04 - 05 Nov '24
Location Online
Language German
Course AGILA
Level Advanced Level
Date 06 - 08 Nov '24
Location Online
Language German
Course AGILA
Level Advanced Level
Date 12 - 14 Nov '24
Location Hamburg, Germany
Language German
Course FLEX
Level Advanced Level
Date 12 - 14 Nov '24
Location Hamburg, Germany
Language German
Level Advanced Level
Date 19 - 20 Nov '24
Location Hamburg, Germany
Language German
Course SOFT
Level Advanced Level
Date 26 - 28 Nov '24
Location Online
Language German
Course AGILA
Level Advanced Level
Date 03 - 05 Dec '24
Location Online
Language German
Course FLEX
Level Advanced Level
Date 03 - 05 Dec '24
Location Online
Language German
Course AGILA
Level Advanced Level
Date 10 - 12 Dec '24
Location Therme Erding, Germany
Language German
Level Advanced Level
Date 24 - 25 Jun '25
Location Online
Language German

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