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arc42 — Peter Hruschka & Gernot Starke


arc42 is an open-source portal for software archi­tects founded in 2007 by Peter Hruschka and Gernot Starke. It is based on practical experience of many systems in various domains, from information and web systems, real-time and embedded, to business intel­li­gence and data warehouses. Its core is the arc42 template to help archi­tects construct, commu­nicate and document their software architecture. arc42 supports arbitrary technologies and tools and is completely process-agnostic, and especially well-suited for lean and agile devel­opment approaches.

Dr. Peter Hruschka (Principal of the Atlantic Systems Guild and Fellow of agile-experts) works as trainer, coach and consultant to help organi­za­tions improve their system and software engineering skills. (Co-)founder of,, founding member of the iSAQB and IREB. Peter loves to work on technical systems (e. g. automotive, telecom­mu­ni­cation, medical devices, indus­trial control, etc.), where software, hardware, mechanics and electronics come together to create useful products. He has written numerous books and many articles on software architecture and requirements engineering, and is a frequent speaker at software engineering confer­ences. Peter was born in Austria, but for more than 40 years he has been living in Germany.

Dr. Gernot Starke (INNOQ Fellow), coach and consultant for methodical software architecture and engineering. (Co-)founder of, founder of, founding member of the iSAQB. Gernot has been involved in architecture and imple­men­tation of medium and large-scale systems for organi­za­tions in various business areas, currently with a focus on review and improvement of legacy systems. For several years he has been heading the working group Foundation Level of the iSAQB. He has written numerous books on software architecture and patterns, regularly publishes technical articles, and shares his experience at developer confer­ences. He lives in Cologne.


  • Willi-Lauf-Allee 43 50858 Cologne Germany

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Training Formats: Classroom Training, Online / Remote Training
Accredited CPSA Trainings:

Training Dates

by arc42 — Peter Hruschka & Gernot Starke

Level Foundation Level
Date 12 - 14 Nov '24
Location Online
Language English
Level Foundation Level
Date 21 - 24 Jan '25
Location Munich, Germany
Language German
Level Foundation Level
Date 18 - 21 Mar '25
Location Munich, Germany
Language German
Course REQ4ARC
Level Advanced Level
Date 01 - 03 Apr '25
Location Munich, Germany
Language German
Course ADOC
Level Advanced Level
Date 05 - 06 May '25
Location Mannheim, Germany
Language German
Level Advanced Level
Date 07 - 09 May '25
Location Mannheim, Germany
Language German
Level Foundation Level
Date 20 - 23 May '25
Location Mannheim, Germany
Language German

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