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New CPSA‑F® curriculum version 2023.1 published

The new version 2023.1 of the Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture-Foundation Level (CPSA‑F) curriculum has replaced the previ­ously valid version on April 1, 2023. It is currently available in German and English. The update of the curriculum in all other available languages will take place in the next step so that the new version 2023.1 in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French will become mandatory at a slightly later date.

All iSAQB Accredited Training Providers and Trainers were informed about the update process regularly and received the new syllabus version in advance. This allowed them to adjust their training materials for Foundation Level training courses accord­ingly by April 1. The CPSA‑F exami­nation has also been updated. It was imple­mented by the recog­nized certification bodies in time on April 1 as well.

The Foundation Level working group is committed to the further devel­opment and updating of the CPSA-Foundation Level curriculum within the iSAQB. The experts of the working group contribute sugges­tions for improvement and evaluate change notices, which all inter­ested persons can post as “GitHub Issues” in the public repos­itory of the iSAQB.

More than 85 issues, comments, and problems in the English and German versions have been resolved. However, none of the new syllabus content has R1 exami­nation relevance. Here is a summary of what’s been changed as compared to the current version 2021.1:

The iSAQB’s glossary was migrated from Leanpub to the iSAQB Download site. This huge step makes adding new terms and updates much easier and quicker.

A few learning goals (LGs) or learning goal items (LGIs – which are bullet items within LGs) have been demoted, either from R1 to R2 or R2 to R3.

A few LGs have been modernized, e.g., Energy Efficiency and Cloud Native have been added. The new (R3) LG 2–10 Principles of Software Deployment has also been added. The old LG 3–9 has been merged into LG 3–2, and the old LG 3–10 has been renamed to LG 3–9.

Some wording changes were made to LGs 4–3 and 4–4. Numerous typos have been fixed as well throughout the curriculum and incon­sis­tencies between the English and German versions were removed.

LanguageTool was used to implement useful wording and style improve­ments. Furthermore, several liter­ature and bibli­o­graphic refer­ences have been updated, and a few have been added. Finally, insecure HTTP links were changed to HTTPS.

The new curriculum version 2023.1 can be found here.


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