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Certible GmbH


Certible is an independent certification body headquar­tered in Vienna, Austria, and operating worldwide. We offer a range of IT certi­fi­ca­tions including the iSAQB CPSA, as well as in areas like Requirements Engineering (IREB CPRE), Usability & User Experience (UXQB CPUX), Software Testing (ISTQB Certified Tester) and many more.

Certible is currently offering remote exams using our inter­nally-developed solution, which goes above and beyond GDPR compliance to offer the utmost in privacy, security and convenience.

Aside from remote exams Certible is known primarily for its tablet-based onsite exams, combining the respon­siveness of electronic test taking with the conve­nience of complete flexibility.

We also offer exams to individuals in the form of public exams throughout the German-speaking world, as well as worldwide through Prometric test centers. Regardless of exam form candi­dates are notified of results instantly.


  • Löwelstraße 20/2-3 1010 Vienna Austria

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Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Test Center, Public Exams

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