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GASQ Service GmbH


Global Associ­ation for Software Quality, abbre­viated GASQ, is an inter­na­tional exam provider and a leading associ­ation in the software quality industry. GASQ was founded by experts from Europe, Asia and America as an independent, inter­na­tional non-profit associ­ation aiming to advocate and promote software quality in research, teaching and industry.

Today, GASQ cooperates with multiple training providers, national testing boards and consulting companies. It actively partic­i­pates in the devel­opment of new certi­fi­ca­tions and offers them through its extensive inter­na­tional network. GASQ is currently repre­sented on over 60 national markets by more than 250 cooper­ation partners. Thanks to globally recog­nized expertise and leading certification schemes, GASQ yearly certifies over 20.000 people in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Australia and Africa in 10 different languages.

Through all of its activ­ities, GASQ strives to make it its core respon­si­bility to increase awareness about the impor­tance of good software quality and highly qualified staff in this sector. Nonetheless, GASQ broadens its focus and identifies areas that require devel­opment or improvement of the quality standards.


  • Keltenring 15 82041 Oberhaching Germany

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Exam Types: Online / Remote Proctor, Exam After Classroom Training, Public Exams

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