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Olegs Kunicins


Olegs Kunicins is an information systems architect, consultant, and iSAQB® accredited trainer with over 15 years of experience in system outscaling and gover­nance. He has collab­o­rated with internet companies in Germany, Sweden, Latvia, and Bulgaria, special­izing in digital trans­for­mation and optimization.

As a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA®), Olegs conducts independent research on online privacy, aiming to align businesses, author­ities, and society. His contri­bution empha­sizes the practical imple­men­tation of standards and compliance. Maintainer of open-source projects.


  • Kishinev St. 1 1407 Sofia Bulgaria

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Training Formats: Online / Remote Training, Classroom Training
Accredited CPSA Trainings:

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by Olegs Kunicins

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