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Christoph Witte

Christoph Witte is the press spokesman of VOICE — Bundesverband der IT-Anwender e.V. He is a longstanding member of the IKT and online community. In addition to his respon­si­bil­ities at VOICE, he works as a publicist, speaker and consultant. In 2009 he founded Wittcomm, an agency for IT/Publishing/Communication. Here he bundles his diverse activ­ities as author, blogger, speaker, PR and commu­ni­cation consultant. Witte regularly writes articles for the IT and business press. In addition, he works as chief editor for two trade magazines of the SIGS DATACOM publishing house, BI-SPEKTRUM and OBJEK­T­spektrum. Before that, from 1995 to 2009, Witte worked as chief editor and publisher for the IDG publi­ca­tions Comput­er­woche and CIO.

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