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Mitarbeiter Portraits

Dr. Carola Lilienthal

Member Advisory Board of the iSAQB GmbH, Curator DDD

located in Germany

Short Bio

Carola Lilienthal studied computer science at the University of Hamburg from 1988 to 1995, and in 2008 she received her doctoral degree in computer science at the University of Hamburg (Super­vising Professors: Chris­tiane Floyd and Claus Lewerentz). Today, Dr. Carola Lilienthal is managing director of WPS — Workplace Solutions GmbH and is respon­sible for the department of software architecture. Since 2003, Dr. Carola Lilienthal has been analyzing architecture in Java, C #, C ++, ABAP and PHP throughout Germany, and advising devel­opment teams on how to improve the sustain­ability of their software systems. In 2015, she summa­rized her experi­ences from over a hundred analyzes in the book ‘Sustainable Software Architecture’. She is partic­u­larly inter­ested in the education of software archi­tects, which is why she is an active member of iSAQB, the Inter­na­tional Software Architecture Quali­fi­cation Board e.V., and regularly dissem­i­nates her knowledge at confer­ences, in articles, and training courses.



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