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Michael Mahlberg

Member WG Community

located in Germany

Short Bio

Michael Mahlberg has been active in the German software architecture community for more than twenty years. His architectural work includes designing long living systems in indus­tries from aerospace through financial companies to telecoms and logistics. As a proponent of open solutions he was an early contributor to the aim42 approach. He joined the iSAQB as an active Member in 2015 and headed several working groups since then. In 2019 he stepped back from the active role and is now involved with the devel­opment of the iSAQB community as a supporting member. Apart from his work in the software Michael’s main focus shifted to organi­za­tional devel­opment over the last decade, so that he spends most of his time nowadays by helping clients in adopting new ways of working, often by applying approaches from the bodies of knowledge from Lean Software Devel­opment, the Kanban method, and the original Agile methods.

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