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Requirements for Software Archi­tects – Part 2


This blog article outlines key requirements for software archi­tects, highlighting the need for agile requirements engineering, addressing functional and non-functional requirements, managing complexity, and ensuring effective commu­ni­cation and imple­men­tation of architecture.

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Maintaining an Overview


The article “Maintaining an Overview” by Dr. Peter Hruschka and Dr. Gernot Starke empha­sizes the impor­tance of having a struc­tured overview in software projects to effec­tively manage detailed requirements, suggesting a method to prior­itize archi­tec­turally signif­icant requirements early on.

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Act, Don’t Whine:

In many consulting projects over the last few years, we have seen devel­opment teams complain about two things: that they suffer from a lack of good requirements or that they have not received important requirements or have received them much too late. They then blame requirements engineers, business analysts, or product owners who “didn’t do…

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