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As of May 10, 2023, the new curriculum version 2023.1 of the CPSA‑A module DDD (Domain-Driven Design) replaces the previous version. The curriculum is available in German and English. The revision of the curriculum includes…

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The new version 2023.1 of the Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture-Foundation Level (CPSA‑F) curriculum has replaced the previ­ously valid version on April 1, 2023. It is currently available in German and English. The update of…

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Frankfurt am Main, February 9, 2023: The Inter­na­tional Software Architecture Quali­fi­cation Board (iSAQB®) and the Inter­na­tional Requirements Engineering Board (IREB®) have signed a Memorandum of Under­standing for deeper strategic collab­o­ration. Both organi­za­tions have agreed to…

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The 15th general meeting of the iSAQB took place on May 5 and 6, 2022, in Düsseldorf, Germany. On both days, a wide range of strategic and opera­tional decisions were made by the members to…

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iSAQB CPSA Foundation Level exam available in French

The iSAQB has published the Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture-Foundation Level (CPSA‑F) exam in French. This means that the CPSA‑F exam can be taken in six languages now: English, German, Spanish, Italian, (Brazilian) Portuguese, and…

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image iSAQB updated Curriculum ARCEVAL

As of February 10, 2022, the new curriculum version 2022.1 of the CPSA‑A module ARCEVAL (Architecture Evalu­ation) replaces the previous version. The curriculum is currently available in German. The English trans­lation is in the works…

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As of November 24, 2021, the new curriculum version 2021.1 of the CPSA‑A module EMBEDDED (Dependable Embedded Systems) in English replaces the previous version. The curriculum is now based on the current CPSA‑A curriculum template…

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CPSA-F exam now available in Portuguese

The iSAQB has published the Certified Profes­sional for Software Architecture-Foundation Level (CPSA‑F) exam in Portuguese. Therefore, the Foundation Level exam can be taken in the five languages German, English, Spanish, Italian and also Portuguese from…

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Ludwigshafen am Rhein on November 15, 2021: On October 13, 2021, Worms University of Applied Sciences, with its more than 3700 students as well as 80 partner univer­sities in over 50 countries, appointed Mahbouba Gharbi,…

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The new iSAQB-compliant book “Software Architecture Foundation” for in-depth prepa­ration for the Certified…

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